Blakely when I was changing you diaper today you went to town on you feet. I just couldn't resist catching you in the action of eating those adorable feet. You are so cute. You are definitely in the stage of putting everything in your mouth.
Last weekend Blakely we went to Missouri to see your Nana and Grandpa. It was Nana's birthday and she just had to see you. Happy Birthday Nana! We also went and meet Melanie, Dale and Drew in Springfield. Drew is 3 months older than you. We had a good visit with them. I am not sure you knew what to think, but I think you had a great time with your new friend Drew.
Blakely today you are five months old. The past five months have changed so much. You have changed a lot. Yesterday I was looking at pictures of you from August 24th and was amazed of how big you have gotten. I really love this stage you are in. You are learning new things everyday. You love to hear your own voice and love when your daddy makes his voice sound funny. Your daddy is really trying to get you to say dada. He says you have already said it but I haven’t heard you yet. You love to imitate our sounds. It is so cute. When you see mommy or daddy you just start smiling and kicking your feet. When you smile it gives me this wonderful feeling inside. It is so precious. You want to constantly see what is going on around you. Blakely you love Jeb and Chloe (our dogs). You are truly amazed by them. They always come and give you kisses daily. You are trying really hard to sit up. This past weekend you sat up on your own for about 15 seconds. About three weeks ago you rolled over from your stomach to your back. Then you stopped. I am sure you will start rolling around soon. You love mommy reading to you. You love The Very Hungry Caterpillar book the best. Most of the other books you just want to eat. You are grabbing on everything. You love when we sing and dance in front of you. I am sure one day you will be a dancer and a singer. You still love your swing and your bouncer. You like being in your Johnny Jumper but you are still not sure what to do. You are still being breastfeed and are given cereal for dinner. You really like the oatmeal the best. Last night you slept from 7:30 to 7:00 this morning. WOW! I hope it continues. You take about 3 or 4 twenty to thirty minute naps most of the time. You are such a great baby and I really do mean that. We are so lucky! We love you Blakely and we want you to know that you bring so much joy to us everyday. You are truly a blessing. Love, Mommy and Daddy
Blakely for the past two weeks or so you have been screaming like crazy. Not unhappy scream, but HAPPY scream. You definitely love to hear your voice. It is the loudest squeal ever. When I look at you doing it you just have the biggest grin on your face. Whatever makes you happy...I love you Blakely!
Blakely you had an exciting night last night - You had cereal with a spoon. You really enjoyed it so much. Every time I would come with the spoon toward your mouth you started kicking your legs like crazy. I am so glad you enjoyed it.You also sleep from 9PM to 6:45AM without waking up at all. I couldn't believe it! I was so excited!!! You are just the best baby! I love you!!!
This is our journey with our two wonderful little girls, Blakely and Lilly. Blakely is a vibrant 5 year old who loves preschool and enjoys cheering and taking dance. Our sweet Lilly is three and is full of personality. She loves to dance, hang out with her sissy and play dress up. We hope you enjoy reading about our family. Also check out my business blog-A Piece Of Pope-custom paper goodies!