Blakely you are officially 6 months old! I can’t believe that you have been with us for half of a year. It seems like yesterday we were just bringing you home from the hospital. These six months have been the best ever and we truly love you so much.Weight: 15lbs 9ozsHeight: 27inClothes: 6-9 or 12 months and some 3-6 months clothesDiapers: size 2 or 3Eating: Still be being breastfeed and you get cereal for dinner. Dr. Cheshier says that we can start giving you baby food. You love to use your voice. You say baba, dada, mama and many others. I’m not sure you know what they mean, but it is fun to hear you say them. You still love screaming – the fun kind. I think you are going to be a talker just like your mommy. Sitting is something you love to do. You get a little upset when you are just lying there-I know you just want to sit up. You can roll over from your stomach to your back. We are trying to work on you rolling from your back to your stomach. You just aren’t that interested in rolling around. You love to grab everything and put it in your mouth. Blakely you love Jeb and Chloe (our dogs). You want to know where they are at all times. You just love watching them. The Johnny Jumper is your favorite toy! You still like being in your swing and your bouncer seat. You love music and you absolutely love when your dad sings the good morning song and dances in front of you. It is so funny to watch. You enjoy when we read to you, especially when we make funny animal sounds. Blakely everyday we seem to fall in love with you more and more. We love you so much pea potters!! Love, Mom and Dad
Blakely you are so excited that you are able to sit up on your own. You have been sitting up for a while, but it seems like now you can do it for a long period of time. You are also playing with your toys when you are sitting up. I am so proud of you!
Today Blakely we went to go see Caroline and Keri in Fayetteville. Keri and I were sorority sisters at UCA and her husband Jeff was my neighbor in Conway. Their daughter Caroline is 4 months younger than you. We went to the mall to eat and then went to their house to visit. You and Caroline loved watching TV together. We will have to get you the Praise Baby DVD. Ms. Keri taught me how to make you bows. I am so excited that you will have such cute bows to put in your hair. THANK YOU SO MUCH KERI!!!We had such a great day Keri and Caroline and we look forward to doing it again. Thanks for a wonderful day!
Today I let you take a nap on our bed. When I came to check on you I saw that you had a visitor...Chloe. She loves sleeping under the covers. I thought it was just so sweet that my girls were taking a nap together, even though Chloe is not supposed to be on our bed.
Blakely you have always loved being in your bouncer. When I put you in it the other day you sat straight up like a big girl. Then you started eating the side of it. I was laughing so hard. I think you would have fallen out if I didn't stop you from chopping down on the piece of yummy plastic.
Your Grammy and PaPaw came to visit you Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You had such a fun time with them. Your Grammy's Birthday was Thursday! Happy Birthday Grammy and Mom!!! We all had a great time with you. We went shopping all day Friday, then out to eat and the only thing bad happened was we lost one of your shoes at Red Lobster. Other than that you were the perfect angel. You also got to see your Uncle Kenny for a few minutes while he was on his way to the Razorback game. Next time we expect a longer visit from Uncle Kenny. Blakely I am so happy that you are able to see your family. It means so much to me. Love you Baby Girl!
This is our journey with our two wonderful little girls, Blakely and Lilly. Blakely is a vibrant 5 year old who loves preschool and enjoys cheering and taking dance. Our sweet Lilly is three and is full of personality. She loves to dance, hang out with her sissy and play dress up. We hope you enjoy reading about our family. Also check out my business blog-A Piece Of Pope-custom paper goodies!