You had such a wonderful first Christmas Blakely. You were definitely the center of attention and were spoiled uncontrollably. We spent Christmas Day with your Great Grandma Jenna (dad's Grandmother), Nana, Grandpa Rick, Uncle Sam, Great Uncle Shawn, Great Aunt Jenna and Tristan in Malden, MO. (Santa visited our house early and dropped off your presents there.) We all had such a great time with your Dad's side of the family. Grandma Jenna just fell in love with you. She is such a great lady and I hope that one day you will learn many things from her. Uncle Sam was excited to see you too. I think he was a little scared holding you, since you are still so small. Nana and Grandpa Rick spoiled you with all the gifts that they got you. Thanks Mom and Dad Pope for all the fun toys. Uncle Shawn and Aunt Jenna also spoiled you with great gifts. We had a great time at your house and we always look forward to Shawn's cooking. After Christmas we went to Grammy and Papaws in Hot Springs Village. Your Uncle Kenny, Aunt Terri, Colby, Darby and Zach were all there. All your cousins were so excited to see you again. I didn't take any pictures there except one with your cousins. I guess we were all thinking about Granny Liz and taking pictures was the last thing on our minds. You still had a fun time opening your presents. Grammy and Papaw got you a Deluxe Johnny Jumper. You seem to really enjoy being in your jumper. Thanks to everyone for the great gifts. Blakely we hope that you will always enjoy Christmas and remember the true meaning of why we celebrate. The birth of Jesus Christ is why we are all able to come together, give presents and be with our great family and friends. We love you baby and look forward to many more Christmas Holidays with you.