Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas 2007
We had a wonderful time at the Popes. Blakely was so excited about Christmas and all the presents. She also loved singing Happy Birthday to Jesus! Lilly loved being held and loved all the people being around her. We are blessed to have two beautiful little girls.
Silver Dollar City
We meet my parents at Silver Dollar City on the way to Daniel's parents. We had such a good time, I wish we could have stayed longer. It was SO crowded!!! I hope we can go back next year.
Christmas Train with the Nutts
We went with the Nutts to ride the train and look at Christmas lights. Blakely loved it. She loves Bella and Julia. Lilly enjoyed looking at the lights too.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Early Christmas Present
Grammy and Papaw made a visit to help mommy do some things and plus bring Blakely and Lilly part of their Christmas present. They gave you and Lilly a picnic table. Blakely of course loves it. We will keep it inside until it starts getting warmer. Blakely has already eaten all of her meals there and has done art projects. What a great gift!!!
My Lilly
Blakely absolutely loves her sissy. She loves to give her kisses and hugs and for the most part is very gentle. When other kids come around Lilly she starts saying, "my Lilly, my Lilly." When Lilly cries she attempts to give Lilly her passie or blankee. When I am changing Lilly's diaper, Blakely gives me one. Last night I left both kids and went to a Women's League Christmas auction and Daniel said the Blakely was very persistent about giving Lilly a bottle. This was the first time Lilly had actually even had a bottle-so I think Daddy had to take over. The sweetest thing is B gets her baby dolls and holds them so sweet and rocks them back and forth, pats their bottom and says my baby mommy. What a blessing to have such a great big sis and a wonderful little helper.Pictures:Blakely loves the camera these days. Santa brought momma an early present-a new camera and Blakely has been playing around with our old one. She loves looking at the pictures on the back and will say things like, that is so funny mommy. We had a fun time saying cheese.Blakely loves to play dress up so she had to put sunglasses on Lilly. Blakely was worn out last night and feel asleep with the sunglasses on...funny girl.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
2 Months Old
Wow! You are already two months old. You are changing so much everyday. You are very alert and love to look at people and especially the fan. You have the cutest smile and are starting to coo and babble. When I took you to the Doctor the nurse couldn't believe how alert you were and how much you were smiling and watching her. She said most babies aren't like that until around four months. She said you were advanced for your age. I told her you just had a strong personality and told her she should see you when you are mad.
Eating: You are such a great eater. During the day you can go 3 hours, but in the evening between 2 and 3. You are still being breastfeed. I have been pumping to get you use to the bottle so when I do have to leave you won't be so upset.
Sleeping: Well I can say that last night you went to sleep around 10:30, sleep until 3:30-ate-and then sleep until 7. This was the first time you woke up only once, most of the time you wake up twice. Let's say a prayer that you will continue to follow last night’s schedule. During the day you are on the Eat-Play-Sleep schedule.
Play: This past month you have changed your mind and decided that you like your swing. You also like the bouncy seat. You also love to lay on the floor and move around. You also love to grab objects and you don't let go. Last week you got a hold of Blakely's hair and pulled it out-lets just say we had tears. I keep the hair and took a picture. WOW!!
Weight: 12 lbs 85%Height: 22 inches 75% Reflux: You are still taking medicine, but I only give you the zantac when needed. I hope that you will grow out of it. I also have quit drinking milk and not having a whole lot of dairy. This really has seem to help with the fussiness. The other night I had ice cream and the next day you cried a lot. So no ice cream for mommy until I am done nursing you. You are going to get your shots next week. We thought that insurance would cover them, but they only cover a certain amount of money a year, so we will have to take you to the health clinic for shots. ughhHappy 2 months Lilly! We love you!
Pictures: Aunt Marianne(who has been a nurse forever) got you your very own baby scrubs-so cute.I also included one of our pottery. Turned out great!If you go to the website below you can see two pics of Lilly when she was a week old. Go to portfolio and L is the one with butterlies all around her and the one with her blanket and ribbon that says from God.
Eating: You are such a great eater. During the day you can go 3 hours, but in the evening between 2 and 3. You are still being breastfeed. I have been pumping to get you use to the bottle so when I do have to leave you won't be so upset.
Sleeping: Well I can say that last night you went to sleep around 10:30, sleep until 3:30-ate-and then sleep until 7. This was the first time you woke up only once, most of the time you wake up twice. Let's say a prayer that you will continue to follow last night’s schedule. During the day you are on the Eat-Play-Sleep schedule.
Play: This past month you have changed your mind and decided that you like your swing. You also like the bouncy seat. You also love to lay on the floor and move around. You also love to grab objects and you don't let go. Last week you got a hold of Blakely's hair and pulled it out-lets just say we had tears. I keep the hair and took a picture. WOW!!
Weight: 12 lbs 85%Height: 22 inches 75% Reflux: You are still taking medicine, but I only give you the zantac when needed. I hope that you will grow out of it. I also have quit drinking milk and not having a whole lot of dairy. This really has seem to help with the fussiness. The other night I had ice cream and the next day you cried a lot. So no ice cream for mommy until I am done nursing you. You are going to get your shots next week. We thought that insurance would cover them, but they only cover a certain amount of money a year, so we will have to take you to the health clinic for shots. ughhHappy 2 months Lilly! We love you!
Pictures: Aunt Marianne(who has been a nurse forever) got you your very own baby scrubs-so cute.I also included one of our pottery. Turned out great!If you go to the website below you can see two pics of Lilly when she was a week old. Go to portfolio and L is the one with butterlies all around her and the one with her blanket and ribbon that says from God.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Photo Shoot
I attempted to take pictures of the girls for our Christmas cards. Here are a few we didn't use. Blakely loves looking at our tree and asking what each ornament is. She especially loves the circus one-since we went to one this past year. She also loves her little tree in her room. When we first put it up she gave it kisses and hugs. Oh the love of Christmas!!! Lilly also enjoyed the flash of the camera-she didn't even cry at all and actually feel asleep. It is hard to believe that she will be 2 months old this week. I will update with her 2 months stats later this week.
My First Smile
Lilly first started to smile during Thanksgiving. I finally got in on camera. She is a sweet little girl!
I also added a picture of Lilly's baby announcement. WOW! She has grown!!!
I also added a picture of Lilly's baby announcement. WOW! She has grown!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Our "trips" to see Santa
We made 2 trips to see Santa. Saturday we tried to go to Breakfast with Santa that Women’s League was doing, but it was so crowded we decided to go to the mall. Blakely did not want to sit in Santa's lap at all. Lilly of course didn't mind. Blakely did take a sucker from Santa. Today we went with the Nutts and Blakely watched Bella sit right on Santa's lap and Blakely jumped on with sucker in hand (the 2nd sucker from Santa). She even told Santa what she wanted for Christmas: a cycle(tri-cycle), princess(dress up clothes), crown, shoes and doll. After our trip to the mall we took all the girls to paint Christmas plates. It was too hectic to take pictures. Blakely painted her own little ornament. She keep wanting more paint. I'm sure it will turn out beautiful. I'll take pics of our pottery and post it later. Christmas season is so much fun this year with our two girls!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday this year. We went to Grammy and Papaws and enjoyed great food and some family fun. Blakely truly enjoyed her cousins, Darby, Zach and Colby-they spoiled you rotten-let's just say the first night you didn't go to bed until 11:40!!! Lilly was spoiled with everyone holding her. She is still having some issues with reflux and we are not sure if she has a little colic. We are so thankful for our family and friends and hope everyone had a great holiday!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I Love Leaves
Blakely has really enjoyed all the leaves this year-we have a ton since there are so many trees in our yard and neighbors. She jumps in them, throws them and chases them (I had to run all the way down the street to get her, because she was chasing the blowing leaves-the excitement of a two year old). When she was sitting and playing in the leaves she told me "mommy my castle" she was pushing all the leaves together to make her a beautiful castle for her princess. Ahh...the creativity.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
One Month Old
Yesterday you were one month old. You are growing like a weed. Weight: 10 lbs 3 ozs 70% (You love to eat)Height: 22 inches 80% Head: 60%Dr. Cheshier said you were doing well, except on spitting up and being fussy. He gave you two different meds for reflux. Hopefully this will help with spitting up and not being so upset after you eat.Last night your dad saw you roll over from your back to your stomach. I think maybe he helped you a little. Things you love: laying on your tummy, watching Blakely, being held (a lot), bouncy seat, bath time, sleeping on your side, eating, waking up mommy and daddy about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the nightThings you DON't love: the swing and not being heldWe Love you Lilly!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sticker Time
Blakely shared her stickers with her sister Lilly. I'm sure next time it will be a marker. hahaha
Thursday, November 1, 2007
We Caught us some Keepers
We had a fun time with the Nutts on Halloween night. Blakely and Lilly both went as a cute fish aka Nemo. Blakely really got into Halloween and trick or treating this year. When she got her candy she would always say thank you and tell them bye. It was so much fun to watch the excitement in her face. B has been under the weather this week, but is starting to feel a little better. Lilly enjoyed the ride and had a good long nap.

We made some cookies
Blakely had a fun time making some yummy Halloween cookies. She enjoyed putting on the sprinkles.
You can see in some pictures her poor little mouth. She pulled down one of the chairs and it landed on her mouth.
You can see in some pictures her poor little mouth. She pulled down one of the chairs and it landed on her mouth.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Blakely and Doodlebops
Blakely is staying with Grammy and Papaw this weekend. They took her to see the Doodlebops. Which is one of her favorite shows. They said she had such a fun time and when the show was over tried to run back in yelling "doodlebops, doodlebops." Grammy said that she was in total awe of the experience. When we talked to her on the phone all she keep saying is I saw the Doodlebops. Glad you had such a fun time Blakely!!!
Lilly is 2 weeks old
We took Lilly to her two week check up yesterday. She weighs 7 lbs 15 ozs. Dr. Cheshier was shocked she had already gained so much weight. She is nursing really well.
Lilly is a great baby, but I'm hoping she will hold out longer at night to eat. She still is waking up about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours at night. Lilly is also having some nasal congestion issues. We are having to use a humidifier and nasal syringe to help her breath better. Hopefully that will clear up soon. Other than that she is a healthy beautiful baby. We are truly blessed.
Lilly is a great baby, but I'm hoping she will hold out longer at night to eat. She still is waking up about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours at night. Lilly is also having some nasal congestion issues. We are having to use a humidifier and nasal syringe to help her breath better. Hopefully that will clear up soon. Other than that she is a healthy beautiful baby. We are truly blessed.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Me and My Minnie
Blakely LOVES to dance and wear her tutu. She has had lots of fun with her grandparents the past two weeks. If you notice Blakely is starting to wear big girl panties. Hopefully it won't be long and we will be fully potty trained. Yeah!!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Glad to be Home
Things have gone great since we have been at home. Everyone seems to have adjusted really well. Blakely loves being a big sis. She already has been helping us with Lilly-making sure she has her blankee and pacie.
Lilly is great! She has really been perfect so far!
We are so blessed!!!
The picture of her looking at the camera is before bath the one of her screaming is after bath. Needless to say she didn't like the bath very much.
When we put Lilly in the bouncy seat Blakely pulled her chair up beside her to make sure Lilly was OK-how sweet!!
Lilly is great! She has really been perfect so far!
We are so blessed!!!
The picture of her looking at the camera is before bath the one of her screaming is after bath. Needless to say she didn't like the bath very much.
When we put Lilly in the bouncy seat Blakely pulled her chair up beside her to make sure Lilly was OK-how sweet!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
More pictures from the hospital
Here are some more pics from the hospital.(one before she was born-I was ready to have our little girl)
Blakely was able to push the button for the song that is played throughout the hospital when a baby is born. She was so proud. Thanks to all who came to visit and for the calls!
We love our little Lilly!!!
Blakely was able to push the button for the song that is played throughout the hospital when a baby is born. She was so proud. Thanks to all who came to visit and for the calls!
We love our little Lilly!!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Lilly Virginia Pope
Lilly Virginia Pope
7lbs 3oz 18 1/2 inches
October 12, 2007
10:02 am
We are so very blessed to have our little girl home. Everything went well and she is so perfect. Mommy, Daddy and big sister Blakely are so proud!!!!
Lilly Virginia Pope
7lbs 3oz 18 1/2 inches
October 12, 2007
10:02 am
We are so very blessed to have our little girl home. Everything went well and she is so perfect. Mommy, Daddy and big sister Blakely are so proud!!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wow! as Blakely would say
Well tomorrow is the big day! We are anxiously waiting for Lilly's arrival. We have been busy getting the house in order and making sure we have everything we need. Blakely is trying to get use to all the baby stuff in the house-and she makes sure she tells us "this is mine."
We would like to ask everyone to say a prayer for tomorrow. Hopefully the surgery will be around 8:30 or 9:00. Hopefully by Monday the blog will be updated with how tomorrow goes. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
We would like to ask everyone to say a prayer for tomorrow. Hopefully the surgery will be around 8:30 or 9:00. Hopefully by Monday the blog will be updated with how tomorrow goes. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Busy Weekend
You had a fun filled weekend. On Saturday morning we went to Olivia Grace's birthday party, then went to your daddy's work picnic and then Grammy, Papaw, Uncle Charlie and Aunt Glenda came to visit. Olivia Grace had a great party and you truly enjoyed yourself. Leslie it was a wonderful party and the castle was amazing!!!
Your dad's work picnic was huge. There were about 15,000 people there. You jumped, climbed and slid in the blowup toys, played games, ate a ton of cotton candy, played on the swing set and truly enjoyed yourself. (I left my camera in the car)
Then Saturday night Grammy and Papaw were coming back from there two week vacation and came by to visit. You loved seeing them. So on Sunday we had a lazy afternoon and a good long nap.
Your dad's work picnic was huge. There were about 15,000 people there. You jumped, climbed and slid in the blowup toys, played games, ate a ton of cotton candy, played on the swing set and truly enjoyed yourself. (I left my camera in the car)
Then Saturday night Grammy and Papaw were coming back from there two week vacation and came by to visit. You loved seeing them. So on Sunday we had a lazy afternoon and a good long nap.
AR/OK State Fair and circus
You had such a fun time at the fair and circus with the Nutts. You truly loved riding all the rides and keep wanting to ride more. You keep saying “more rides, more rides”
You and Bella were so funny-in the car ride it would go fast around the corners and you and Bella would scream with excitement. It was adorable. After the rides and yummy food we went to the circus. You loved it and couldn’t take you eyes off what was going on. We also went to see a few of the animals and you enjoyed that as well. I guess this will start an annual tradition.
You and Bella were so funny-in the car ride it would go fast around the corners and you and Bella would scream with excitement. It was adorable. After the rides and yummy food we went to the circus. You loved it and couldn’t take you eyes off what was going on. We also went to see a few of the animals and you enjoyed that as well. I guess this will start an annual tradition.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Our fun 2 Year Old

Blakely you are such a fun and happy little girl and we are having the best time with you. Your language has exploded and basically you can tell us everything you want or need. You still like to ramble and ramble and I at times I honestly can't understand what you are saying, but you know exactly what you are saying. It is great to have little conversations with you. In social situations, you tend to be shy at first. It takes you awhile to warm up and then about 10 or 20 minutes you are your usual 2 year old self.
You love all kinds of things: Dora, reading books playing with your baby dolls, pushing around your grocery cart, playing with your kitchen, Elmo-"melmo", Doodlebops, Minnie Mouse, Nemo, Shrek, stickers, jumping, dancing, running away from mommy, playing with Jeb(you call him jebbers) and Chloe-our dogs, going to church, going outside and I could go on and on.
We have been having really busy weeks lately. We go to Kindermusic, MOPS every other week, mothers day out and seem to be running a lot of errands lately-getting ready for Lilly. Not sure how much we will be able to do when Lilly gets here.
We have been really talking about Lilly coming. Right now you know Lilly is in my tummy and that some things around the house are hers. When we started putting the baby stuff out you would say that is mine not baby. Last night you finally said that the baby bath was the babies and the big bath was yours. I know when Lilly gets here we will have some adjustments, but you will be a great big sister.
2 year stats
Weight: 27 lbs (50%)
Height: we think about 33 ¾ inches (50%) the nurse said 35 ½ inches (95%). I think you were moving around to much at the doctors office
You love all kinds of things: Dora, reading books playing with your baby dolls, pushing around your grocery cart, playing with your kitchen, Elmo-"melmo", Doodlebops, Minnie Mouse, Nemo, Shrek, stickers, jumping, dancing, running away from mommy, playing with Jeb(you call him jebbers) and Chloe-our dogs, going to church, going outside and I could go on and on.
We have been having really busy weeks lately. We go to Kindermusic, MOPS every other week, mothers day out and seem to be running a lot of errands lately-getting ready for Lilly. Not sure how much we will be able to do when Lilly gets here.
We have been really talking about Lilly coming. Right now you know Lilly is in my tummy and that some things around the house are hers. When we started putting the baby stuff out you would say that is mine not baby. Last night you finally said that the baby bath was the babies and the big bath was yours. I know when Lilly gets here we will have some adjustments, but you will be a great big sister.
2 year stats
Weight: 27 lbs (50%)
Height: we think about 33 ¾ inches (50%) the nurse said 35 ½ inches (95%). I think you were moving around to much at the doctors office
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My New Bed

Well it is almost been two weeks since you started sleeping in your new big girl bed. You really have done well. The hardest time is when we lay you down, you want mommy to lay down with you. (I did this the first couple of nights.) This week I have stopped laying down with you, you might cry for a few seconds, but then you are fine. You have slept all night long and we are so proud. I just have pictures of the bed. I am still trying to decorate.
I love the bumpers Tambrey!! If there is anyone looking to buy safety rails check them out on ebay by searching portable travel safety rails or their website
I love the bumpers Tambrey!! If there is anyone looking to buy safety rails check them out on ebay by searching portable travel safety rails or their website
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Balls, Bubbles and Balloons...These are a few of my favorite things
Friday, August 24, 2007
Happy Birthday!

Today is your 2nd birthday-hard to believe. We are having your party tomorrow! Your dad is also having his birthday today! I love you both and can't wait to celebrate!!!
I included a picture from last year and one from today.
Blakely also wanted to wear a ponytail-like her mommy (I think I wear one everyday). Her hair is a still short, but she does have a few strands of hair sticking out.
I included a picture from last year and one from today.
Blakely also wanted to wear a ponytail-like her mommy (I think I wear one everyday). Her hair is a still short, but she does have a few strands of hair sticking out.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Orange Beach 2007

We had a great family vacation this past week. We went to Orange Beach and had such a great time. Blakely LOVED playing in the sand and swimming at the pool. She now loves to go underwater and thinks she is miss independent in the pool. She wasn't that excited about the ocean. The first few days the tide was high and I think that bothered her. She did love getting in with her daddy and jumping the waves. We also went on a dolphin cruise and enjoyed seeing the dolphins-the cruise was a little long and we were all ready to be in the ac. Daniel also had a great time fishing. He went every night when Blakely and I went to sleep. Being 7 months pregnant-I got tired pretty easy. The funniest thing about our little Blakely is that she did not like walking in the sand until the last day. She crawled!!! Who knows what she was thinking. She does NOT like to fall and will do anything to prevent that. Overall we had such a great time and hope to go to the beach every summer with the girls.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Lilly will be here October 12th
We officialy scheduled the c-section for October 12. WOW! 2 months from today-I'm sure that day will be here before you know it. I just got my camera back-I promise we will have pictures soon. We are going to the beach and I will try my best to get some pics.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Fun with Friends

We have had a busy week playing with your friends and some new friends too. We went to the water park and you got play with new friends Cole, Hayden, Atticus and Zuzu. Mommy worked with their moms when I got my first teaching job. We also went over to Anna Kate's and you got to play with Anna Kate and Caroline. You all had a fun time playing in the doll house and swimming. Baby Carlee was so sweet and had a good nap while you all played. I left my camera at Sara's so hopefully I will get it back in a couple of days and post some pictures.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Name and 28 weeks
We have officially decided on a name...
Lilly Virginia Pope
Daniel and I agreed on Lilly and then we found out that Daniel's Great Grandma was Lilly and that my two Great Grandmas are Lilly so... her first name will be after three great, great grandmas.Her middle name is after Daniel's Grandmother Virginia Heise, which we call Grandma Gina. She is very excited.Pregnancy is going well. I am starting to visit the doctor every two weeks. We have already talked about the c-section and it could possibly be scheduled for October 12. I'm sure it will be here before you know it. Blakely is getting a new big girl room and Lilly will have Blakely's baby room. So we are busy trying to paint and rearrange our house. Fun times!!!
Lilly Virginia Pope
Daniel and I agreed on Lilly and then we found out that Daniel's Great Grandma was Lilly and that my two Great Grandmas are Lilly so... her first name will be after three great, great grandmas.Her middle name is after Daniel's Grandmother Virginia Heise, which we call Grandma Gina. She is very excited.Pregnancy is going well. I am starting to visit the doctor every two weeks. We have already talked about the c-section and it could possibly be scheduled for October 12. I'm sure it will be here before you know it. Blakely is getting a new big girl room and Lilly will have Blakely's baby room. So we are busy trying to paint and rearrange our house. Fun times!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
23 months old
We are officialy on the countdown to 2 years old. This year has really gone by fast. We love you and are so proud of you!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Blakely and Madison

We spent a few days with Mrs. Martha and Madison last week. You all had such a great time together. We went to the Little Gym (ohh- I wish we had one close), the swim park (great for little kids), Bonkers Fun Center, you also got to ride the carousel at the mall (you loved it) and you both had a fun time playing with Madison's toys. Thanks Mrs. Martha for Blakely's haircut. I have to admit I think you both looked adorable in your matching outfits. Thank you so much Martha and Madison for such a wonderful time-We MISS you!!!!
Silly Girl
Trip to Nana's and Grandpa's

We had a fun filled week with Nana and Grandpa. You got to do lots of great things. We went on a cave tour, hiking/walking, of course swimming and fun times with the family. You did get quite a few scratches and bruises, but keep on going!! You were able to see your great grandma Jenna, great Aunt Linda, Cousin Terry and Cousin Christopher plus Nana, Grandpa and Uncle Sam. Thanks for a great time.
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