We took the girls to go see Toy Story 3 on Friday night. They have been watching Toy Story 1 and Toy Story 2 for months and couldn’t wait to go to the movie ater(this is what Blakely calls it) to go and see Toy Story 3. Lilly’s favorite character is Woody and Blakely’s is Jessie. They sat still the entire movie. When we were walking out Lilly told us, “that was so good, I liked it.” Blakely of course loved it and told us she had to hide her eyes, because some parts were scary. Overall it was a wonderful movie and I would love to see it again.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Toy Story 3
Monday, June 21, 2010
Chicken Festival
A week ago we went to the Tri State Chicken Festival-my husband works for a chicken company. The girls had a fun time going around eating chicken, playing games, seeing dressed up chickens and mascots(besides Lilly-she is scared to death) and eating ice cream. That night Daniel and I hired a baby sitter for the girls and went to go see Randy Travis-he was the entertainment for Saturday night. We all had a great time! In the middle of those two events we managed to go see a friend in the hospital and go to a birthday party-It was a crazy day!!
I only took a few pictures-no pictures of Lilly. Like I said she is deathly scared of any person that is dressed up in some big furry outfit. She literally screamed and ran away.
Blakely and Cowboy Chicken Blakely and Striker
Daddy and Blakely on the Bull-not sure why it is so blurry
Randy Travis
Our Artists
Little Miss Blakely loves to draw. One day after the girls had watched Tinker Bell the Lost Treasure. They wanted to draw Miss Tink. First Blakely just drew Tinker Bell and then she decided to draw the rest of the fairies in the movie. Of course I was very impressed with her-I am her mom. I loved how she put her name and Lilly’s name on the paper. They were so excited that I was taking pictures of their drawings. I love to see the progression of how far they come within just two years.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Swimming and More Swimming
After Memorial Day we have been swimming a lot. We bought a season pass to the pool not to far from our house so needless to say the girls want to go everyday. It is really nice with a gated kiddie pool, a bigger pool with two slides and a water/splash pad. Our friends the Nutts go a lot too so the girls have fun with them. Blakely is such a little swimmer. She still needs a little more confidence in the deep end, but hopefully after swim lessons she will gain some. Lilly has come a long way the past three weeks. She was so scared for us to let her go in the water, but starting this week she swims around with her floaties!!! Yeah for her and mommy!! These pictures were taken our first week going.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Birthday Parties
Several weekends ago we had two parties to go to. One was for Julia, who turned 4 and the other was for Aubrey(Rachel’s older sister), who turned 7. Julia’s party was a carousel party. It was lots of fun…but HOT!! The kids rode the carousel as much as they wanted for two hours. Yes one kid did get sick from all the spinning. The other party was a swim party at the pool. It was actually was a joint party shared by three kids. Both girls had lots of fun and enjoyed playing with their friends and the big kids!
Tatum, Julia, Rachel and Blakely Getting on the cow!
Mommy and Lilly
Daddy and Lilly
Julia, Blakely and Rachel at the Swim Party
Lilly running through the sprinklers
Staples for Lilly
The weekend after the dance recital, little Miss Lilly had a little accident. She fell in the bathroom off the stool onto the tile floor. Poor thing cried so hard, but after a few minutes she was OK. My parents were still there and my dad was standing over her and said umm, yeah Lilly cut her head(above her ear) and I think you are going to have to go the ER. I can’t believe we didn’t see it when she first fell. So off to the ER we went. Luckily it was around 11 that morning so we didn’t have to wait very long. She was so good the whole time and only cried after they put the third staple in her head. She really did well the whole week with them. She let me clean it and put Neosporin on it. When they had to take them out she didn’t even cry. Hopefully this will be our last visit to the ER with her, but she seems to be our accident prone child so I’m sure we will be there again. I did take a picture of her actual staples so you might want to skip looking if it grosses you out. I have some cute pictures of her on my phone in her bandage all wrapped around her head from the hospital when they were numbing the area, but of course I don’t know how to get them on my computer. It looks all oily from the Neosporin.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Our Gymnast
Little Miss Lilly has been taking Mommy and Me gymnastics since January. She has come along way. She has learned a lot over the past several months. It was also some great bonding time that we shared every Tuesday morning. We are going to take a little break this summer, but hopefully start back this fall. Here are some pictures from our last class.
That is Blakely in the big yellow bow behind her. She participated a little in the last two classes.
This picture cracks me up. She was always so scared to do the trapeze. Every time Coach Mike got to this part of the rotation Lilly would start telling me, “I want to go home, I’m scared Mommy.” She is obviously still scared, but did it to show her Daddy and Blakely. What is so funny she loves the zip line that they have.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Dance Recital Night
Blakely loved every moment of her dance recital. She loved that Grammy, Papaw, and Nana came to watch her. She was thrilled to show them all her moves. I was sad I didn’t get any pictures of the grandparents with her-It was a bit crazy that night-trying to get seats, parking places, etc…Also Blakely wasn’t allowed to wear her costume out in the audience. So next year I will be more prepared and get pictures of everyone.
Blakely’s Dance Class-Aren’t they all so cute!! Blakely and Taylor-She broke her arm the weekend before the recital :-(
Blakely and Mommy
Blakely(my little poser) and Julia-Backstage
Blakely, Bella and Julia-Bella performed in the second half of the recital so we saw her back stage getting ready. These girls have all been friends for a long time.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Backup Dancer
Lilly had the best time watching the dress rehearsal. She was cracking me up the whole time. She was trying to copy every dance that was going on. If the girls did something on the floor she got on the floor. A couple of times she even attempted to do the splits. They kicked their leg-she kicked hers. We all could not quit laughing. If they got in a circle and were holding hands, she came over and grabbed my hands. She was so adorable trying to copy all the dance moves. I’m sure when she is old enough to start taking dance she will be there with bells on.